miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

My Irish Trip II

Special thanks to Juanma the Vandriver, because he had never driven a van before, he had never driven on the
left and he had never driven by narrow roads like Irish roads. I think Juanma already never forgot the weather
in Ireland.
Thank you so much, Juanma.

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014

Some old pictures more

Some pictures more I took long time ago.



Christmas meal

This is my Christmas meal, turkey and Pudding a very good combination. Thank you to Geraldine's sister, for that special day.


Natascha has been my workawer partner in my farm during five weeks. She is from Germany and she helped me with my bad English. We have enjoyed very funny moments, with the sheep, the cattle, with Lucky and Dagly (The dogs), talking about soccer, christmas Shopping and into the pubs. She was my perfect English teacher during that time. Thank you for all, and I wish you a very happy moments in your future.

Thinking I

Dedicated to my friend Nieves

Sometimes, I Prefer to live in the unreality of dreams wich in the disappointing daily life...

My Irish Trip

These are some of pictures from several beatiful sites in Ireland inside Kerry Ring. Four friends and two babys have wanted to spend some days with me in Ireland from December 29, 2013 to January 4, 2014. Thank you so much to Sergio, Noelia, Natalia, Juanma and specially to Darío and Jorge the babys, because they have exceeded a very bad weather. Thank you to all of them, because to be with them have been my best present in years.

The Rock of Cashel
The Rock of Cashel with its dramatic silhoutte of ecclesistical medieval guildings rises steeply above he fertile plain of the River Suir, in the heart of Munster.

jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

Views from my farm

I can see many farms from mine. This is the views from my farm.

Michael Collins

This was a very important person in my city, Clonakilty. This is a statue in his memory. In the following a little of his history.

Michael Collins (16 October 1890 – 22 August 1922) was an Irish revolutionary leader, Minister for Finance and Teachta Dála (TD) for Cork South in the First Dáil of 1919, Director of Intelligence for the IRA, and member of the Irish delegation during the Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations. Subsequently, he was both Chairman of the Provisional Government and Commander-in-chief of the National Army. Collins was shot and killed in an ambush in August 1922 during the Irish Civil War.

Although most Irish political parties recognise his contribution to the foundation of the modern Irish state, supporters of Fine Gael hold his memory in particular esteem, regarding him as their movement's founding father.

De despedida de mis compañeros de trabajo

Estos son mis magníficos compañeros de trabajo. La verdad, es que he
tenido mucha suerte cruzándome en sus vidas. Estas fotos las hicimos
un par de días antes de marcharme a Irlanda, en una maravillosa velada
que compartimos. En ella quise hacerles un pequeño homenaje a cada
uno, porque si alguna cosa he aprendido este año, es que si hay algo
que sientes y quieres expresarlo, debes hacerlo y no guardártelo, porque
de no hacerlo, es posible que cuando quieras, sea demasiado tarde...

Gracias a todos los protagonistas: Margarita, Claudio, Fina, Nuria y Juanma. 


De camino a Madrid

Mi amigo Claudio y yo, con destino Madrid el veintinueve de Noviembre de dos mil trece para realizar el examen de promoción interna; después de tanto tiempo preparándolo, se nos nota en la cara que por fin, vamos a terminar. Finalmente, unos hemos salido más contentos que otros, pero yo me quedo con el maravilloso fin de semana que pude disfrutar de Claudio, Celia y familia en Madrid.