martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Basic Notions

The farm has two spaces like the pictures show. We have around sixty cows for milking twice a day. In the same space the cattle eat and sleep. It has over the floor a lot of gaps to collect the slurry and keep quite clean this space, but usually the cows mess the site where them lying. The slurry isn't really smelly but is really sticky. The cows usually are quiet, sometimes they like play in the path to milking and the are really fast, if one of them run you can't achieve her and is better move them all together. This work will end in April, when the weather will be better and the cattle
will be on the field.

My job on the farm

This movie shows my dairy job on the farm, not all of them because I am doing a lot of things, but it's rather clearly with the job's cattle. I do that twice a day, once in the morning at eight oclock and once  again at seven oclock in the evening. First, usually I carry the cattle to Milking House and after that starts my  job with the slurry. In the begining I clean the floor where the cattle usually is lying, for this I use the first  tool that the movie shows; when I have finished that, I need to clean “the Canadian Path”, you can see in the movie like the floor has a big gaps to collect the slurry, so I ever use the “Slurry Sweeper” that is a little petrol adapted machine, to push the slurry, take off it and finally, put it into the tank under the floor.
 Sometimes I should use another one tool (“Guitar Sweeper”) to do a very clean job. The last tool is “The Paik”, I don't know how to spell this word correctly, so sorry; with it I feed the cattle, maybe I use sailige, grass or hay.  It's a hard job specially for your back, you should do that everyday, you can't unwinding any day because the cattle needs to eat, including Sundays and party days, so I am astonishment that the farmers here are very strong.
I have tried that the movie was a little funny, so I expect you like it.

The movie has two mistakes: “my job in the farm” should be “my job on the farm”, and “And Then The Man Invented the Machine” should be “And Then Man Invented the Machine”, thank you to Jessie McDonald (my English teacher) for help me with this.
I couldn't do a very well work with the music, because I have worked without internet and I didn't know how to mix two sings (Sorry Sergio, I think the next time it will be better).

job02 from jose manuel on Vimeo.