viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Irish Sports

Three weeks ago, Nicole (my new partner like a workawer on the farm)and me went to Cork watching two matches: one of them was Gaelic Futbol, is very different than soccer because the hands may be used for the players, and there are two types of goals, into the goal with three points or above the goal with a point only. The another one sport is Hurling, the rules are similar but the ball is smaller and the players use a stick to hit it. You can find a lot of information in internet if you are interested, for me was a great experience.

sport from jose manuel on Vimeo.

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014


This is Oliver, like Oliver Twist. He is a little lamb who was alone, because his
mother dosen't like him; sometimes sheep have two lambs and only feed one of them, for this reason Oliver was alone and needed our care. The picture shows Oliver being fed with a baby bottle. Now Oliver is very big and he always wants more milk. He will need milk (cow milk) until three months at least, but this a amusing job.


Dungarvan is a medium town between Dublin and Cork. It has a lovely castle in the
middle of the town, but in this part of the year is closed. Also, it has a lovely beach, where the people in summer is fishing all the time.

Frozen morning

This winter has been really hard, the weather was bad all days; heavy showers, heavy wind, 
storms and rain a lot have been our partners this part of the year, some days we have found 
frozen mornings while we were working, but now the spring is coming and for this reason, I 
couldn't avoid a smile when I remembered this picture. I have been able to put up with this
weather, congratulations.


Pretty cow

Pretty cow is a small cow who is working on the farm. She is very friendly and when I am 
cleaning her “room”, she is always happy and trying to “kiss” me all the time. She isn't really big, but is a good worker and all days has milk good enough.

Thinking V

Dedicated to my friends Gustavo and Sandra (and Bruno and Lola also)
Sometimes is appropiate for you to move away to feel near the people. Sometimes anybody knows what do you need really, not even you. For a moment I went off myself, I lost my energy, I was disappointed with myself, but despite all of them you have been leading me to choose the correct way. This is a good place for a heart hurt, anyway my heart now, is a part of your. Thank you for help me to mend myself.

Thinking IV

Dedicated to my friends Sergio and Noelia (and Jorge also)

When I need to think in somebody who is honest, I think in you; when I think in somebody who is just, I think in you; soon I set out from here and that do me very sad, but then I remember my friends, they will be waiting me, like ever. I think that I need to go ahead, I need to put up my fear and get away from myself, but with them this task will be very easy, because they are always beside me, pushing and getting up me when my heart, sometimes leave me. Thank you Sergio and Noelia, maybe in the future I could make up for all things that you did for me.

martes, 4 de marzo de 2014


Sometimes I have gone with our neighbour Ernie to "Branding" (I will explain that in another one time) and one of them, I found near the farm that we were working "The Orange Castle". This castle below to Jeremy Irons, the famous actor. Really, I don't like so much, specially I don't like the people can have a private castle, what's happen if the rest we want to visit it...We can't.

I liked this little town that Ernie and me crossed the last week. It's a very busy town in summer, not now. Kinsale is in County Cork, and a lot of people have there a ship in theirs gardens.

Thinking III

Dedicated to my friend Margarita 
If distance means to forget, ever I will try have near a bridge or port to connect
us, ever I will try with me a picture yours for don't forget you and I will travel 
through the maze of my memory to remember you. You are a part of me now
and although I want, already I can't forget you.
Thank you so much for help me when I was lost... 

Thinking II

Dedicated to my family

The worse thing that you can suffer is to be disappointed with yourself, but sometimes we need to
get down very low to realize that. Fortunately you have helped me to get up again and I have took
over of my life. Thank you so much, I won't forget that.