martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Thinking IV

Dedicated to my friends Sergio and Noelia (and Jorge also)

When I need to think in somebody who is honest, I think in you; when I think in somebody who is just, I think in you; soon I set out from here and that do me very sad, but then I remember my friends, they will be waiting me, like ever. I think that I need to go ahead, I need to put up my fear and get away from myself, but with them this task will be very easy, because they are always beside me, pushing and getting up me when my heart, sometimes leave me. Thank you Sergio and Noelia, maybe in the future I could make up for all things that you did for me.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Jose,
    Just wanted to tell you that I appreciate your frienship a lot. I am amazed about your strength and courage to be there. We are looking forward to have you back here really soon! In the meantime, we are glad to hear from you and see all the experiences you are sharing with us. Thanks for that too!
    A big hug and kisses,
