martes, 15 de abril de 2014

My job on the farm II

Milking Parlour: Everyday twice, we had to carry the cattle form the cubicle to this room for milking.
We could milking at the same time sixteen cows. We used to use air compressor to start the machines, but sometimes in Ireland the electricity doesn't work maybe for storms or strong wind,
thereby these machines are prepared to work with the tractor. We needed to clean the cows, extract the milk and after that apply a special product over the udder to protect it. Usually a good cow made over thirty liters per day. While the cattle is milking we used to lay a little pellets and the cows love this product, so the job was easier this way. 
The sheep: during the winter and maybe some spring time, the sheep are in this house. The movie shows me putting oats for them. They were really amusing and they were trying to eat oats from the bucket because are a little bit impatient with the food. 

Branding: I've discovered this task with a farm's neighbor who name was Ernie. He was really kind and usually he spoke with me very slow. Beforehand it could be a painful for the cows but it isn't really. We used to use a steel frozen numbers, this way this part of the cow's skin is burnt and the new hair will be white. It was more hazardous to avoid kicking our feet.
Charlie's English lessons and the tractor: it was so funny to work with Charlie. Sometimes I didn't understand anything but we were good friends. It was my first day with the tractor and when we were taking the movie I had explained Charlie that I wanted he talked a little, but not only two words, for this reason I was laughing during the movie. When the cubicle's tanks were full we needed to put the slurry on the field. It was a interesting and stink job.
The bees: really I worked only one time with the bees because the weather was really bad, but I took this little movie and I thought would be interesting to show it to you.
The cubs: they were really amusing, but sometimes this job was very tired. We had to carry the milk from the milking parlour to the house, maybe three hundred metres. You had to use your arms holding two very heavy milk buckets full of milk, so sometimes we had a very big elbow ache. The movie shows two of them after to be fed, they usually are “lovers” because they use their tongues to taste the rest of the milk each other in their mouth.
The welding machine: an old welding machine was a very good partner for me, we did together some gates, a work table and a lot of fixes. 
The dogs: Lucky and Daugly were playing and fighting all the time like brothers. They liked play with a ball or with a bucket lid. I did some things more, but this was my daily job on the farm. 

It was a very good experience and in full likelihood, all of you could be enjoy it like me, the Irish people are very friendly so you only need a smile in your face.

job11 from jose manuel on Vimeo.

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