miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

I don't like the farewells

I don't like anything the farewells, I prefer to think we could meet again in the future. This was the letter that I used like a farewell. It has some mistakes but I didn't want to revise it, I prefer to remember this moment this way.

My Irish Family

Four months ago, I arrived here searching peace and a place where learn English, but I didn't expect to find a new family. My friend Noelia, who has lived in Ireland several times, told me that the Irish people are very friendly, but I didn't know that they were very friendly. It's been four months really amusing and wonderfull. At the begining I was really frightened because I had never worked before with animals in general and a lot of times, I was guessing what I had to do because I didn't understand anything and I am very shy although I look like backward, so I didn't want to ask much times, anyway in that moment I couldn't understand anything. Only one week after arrive here, I knew already that I was with a nice family.
It has been four wonderfull months, with plenty new experiences, work with cows, hens, sheep, cubs and my friend “slurry”. I won't never forget the time that I've spent here, because now this country and this family are a part of my heart.

Pegy the grandmother: Pegy has been my grandmother here, she always was caring me, cooking good breakfast and scones. I like your smile Pegy, because you always know to put a smile in your face although we are very tired. I think you're a very strong woman and I wish you the best.

Geraldine the Boss: I'm astonishment beause you're very strong, I like call you “Steelwoman” because you're working all time, even when I was really tired you were carring hey or cleaning; I liked very much work with you, because you are very lovely with the animals and you know how to work with them but please “don't use more ropes”.. Thank you Geraldine you are a nice person and I need only one day to discover that; you have done a lot of things for me, like to take me a nice places, show me the sold of cattle or invite me (not hot whisky) in a plenty pubs with Irish music, even when you were very tired you've driven a lot to carry me with our friend Natascha, so thank you. I think you're the best farmer in Ireland.

Charlie: I like Charlie because he likes explain me things on the farm, he taught me to drive the tractor and work with the cows. I'm sorry Charlie because sometimes I didn't understand you but I promise you I'll go back when my English be better, I don't know when and then we could talk about soccer or differents things, maybe I'll need to go back soon if Liverpool wins Premier, hopefully. Thank you so much Charlie and I wish you the best again.

Luky, Dugly and Lady: altough you were fighting sometimes, I miss you so much, because each of you have a special things. Lucky is lovely but a little jelous, Dagly however is a lonely dog but he likes play all the time and rise to my room, oh sorry Dugly I hope Pegy won't angry to hear that. Lady is a special dog, she only wanted to be near me when I had food, but she is funny and I like her also.

I've tried to do my job the best way as posible and I hope you are pleased with it. All things that I did here I did with my heart. I don't like the farewells, because them doing me very sad, so I prefer to think that already is nearer the next time that we meet again.

I wish you the best
Jose, April 6th, 2014

Things that I made on the farm

On the farm I made many things, but I'm going to show you some of them, maybe the most important things. It could look like they aren't really amazing, nonetheless you need to think that all of them were made with a very bad weather, without the properly tools and I made it alone. Some of them were a challenge, but finally I could put up with it.

The tyre gate:

This gate was very old, so with the some pieces belong to the old ceiling I changed it. The steel at the top would have been dangerous and for this reason I decided to cover it with an old tyre. On the farm, we had a lot of old  tyres; they were used to stop de plastic that covered the grass. 

The tv support:

In the kitchen we usually spent a lot of time, eating or watching some tv, but in the beginning it was over the table, besides when somebody crossed the kitchen we didn't watch it and it was really low, therefore it was a very uncomfortable situation. I made it with old steels belong the old cubical and I need several intents to get a well done system. Finally with this system we could watch tv whereas we were eating the dinner or whereas we were washing the plates.

The shelf:

The kitchen was very old and narrow, so I decided to make a big shelf to put over it a lot of things, because sometimes we didn't have enough space for cooking. I used strong old timbers and my imagination and some old steels to make the angles.

The chair:

There was a very spoilt chair in the living room, without seat. I knew how to do this job because I had tested this technique several times with different chair, but I had never worked with an asymmetric chair like this, so it was really a challenge for me. I learnt to use nails while I was working with the rope. I think the result is so nice. Thanks Gustavo and Antonio for send to me the rope from Spain.

The gates:

I worked with different gates, for instance the gate at the top on the right was made for me. Behind this gates would stand the sheep. In Ireland is very usual to find rain with wind together, as a result the rain is getting in the sheep's house and we needed to change the strong (is a kind of vegetable that may be used to cover the floor to turn it into more comfortable for the animals) every day. The idea was to make something that we could open in summer, unless that build a fix wall, maybe using the welding machine, we decided to make a gate. 
The gate on the left was covered with old steels and this way the cows, who was sick or maybe were going to be mother soon, could be protected from the wind and the rain.

The Irish Gate:

We had a timber covering this space, therefore we couldn't use this space like a gate. I made this gate with the possibility to open it from in or out, so we didn't need to leave the gate opened, whereas we are working with the sheep, furthermore we didn't need to open the rest of the gates that were very big. I decided to paint the gate in San Patrick's Day, with the colours of the Irish flag, because I wanted to put some colour surrounded such a boring grey colour.

The work table, my final project:

Finally, after three months arranging the tools every day, and working without a properly table, I thought It'll be interesting to make a work table. I used some old steel angles and shopping some timbers, we got a very nice work table. I made two drawers to arrange the tools and a little tools panel. The table could move up or down because the floor was very irregular, and this way we could level the table properly.

You can think, four months are much time and it is, but the rest of the time we were working with the cattle, or selling it, or travelling a little, or going to a pub; not everything in the life may be work.