jueves, 5 de junio de 2014


Lately I feel empty, nobody knows what will happen behind the corner, but it looks like I couldn’t already feel anything new, neither writing these lines are filling me. Sometimes the sadness is overwhelmingly stronger than the rest of the feelings and you can’t live up to your own expectatives. A friend of mine told me, not really a lot of time ago, she belives in people, I wish to trust in this fact but I can’t, besides if I can’t trust in myself, How could I belive it?...

The time goes and I remain in the same place, the wind ride its properly aromatic breeze summer and I smell to homesickness yet, I’m waiting for the spring when the autumn is already here, if I think in white the reply is black…

Eventually I’d preffer don’t think, I would like to live in peace and enjoy looking to myself and thinking that today I’m nearer to the happiness than yesterday.

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