lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

My friend's house in West Cork

My last days are gonna be spent in this house, it belongs to my friend Jessie. This is a typical house in the countryside, the picture shows one side of the house, where the conservatory it's. These kinds of places are usually very special in these houses, they've many windows to get a lot of light, as well as be the warmer part of the house. The house is surrounded for landscape, it means there are much grass that should be cut every week. In Ireland the grass grow very fast, indeed the warm temperature in summer add up rain plenty times during the week, both together help the vegetation to grow so fast. This house is called The Ring Fort House because in the middle of the landscape there is a Ring Fort (you can't see it in this picture), which was used in the past for former farmers to build inside some shelters, this way they could protect themselves from the wind and rain, they used to keep their cattle inside the Ring Fort as well, nonetheless this is very little so I suppose it belonged only to one family. Irish people don't like to sow any vegetable inside because they're superstitious, above all in the countryside, and they think if you ate some food from this place, you would get sick. We don't have any problem so, we are using this space to sow some fruits and vegetables. 

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