lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

DSE Dublin and Cambridge Exam

DSE (Dublin School of English)

My time here is finishing, in fact I've already finished my English lessons in Dublin School of English. It was a nice experience, I met people from different parts of the world, like Japan, Italy, France, Check Republic, Hungary or Lithuania. When you are surrounded for people from different countries, trying to learn English, it looks like all of us are a family, indeed we can communicate better each others than with native English speakers. Anyway, I recommend this college because teachers put all their energy teaching us English. The  College is at city center near Temple Bar (a very famous part of Dublin plenty of pubs and live music) and like curiosity, The Dollar House, which is the name of the building, was a lot of years ago a bank, therefore it wasn't really weird to find some absolutely thick steel gates, where in the past workers left the money. The picture shows the college the first building on the right.

Cambridge Exam

When I decided to go to Dublin, only two weeks after that I put my name down to get a Cambridge certificate, that meant I had to do a Cambridge exam. In the beginning people told me, it was too soon but I decided to study really hard grammar and try to get it. When I went to UCD (University College Dublin) I found there people really prepared to do this exam, they were talking about the tests, the marks and the exercises, however I didn't know what I was gonna find there, to be honest I knew the exam had three parts but nothing else, so I started to undergo with this situation, I didn't want to do an ridiculous actuation, but this was only five minutes before starting the exam. It was so funny because the speaking part was done with another Spanish girl, so we felt weird speaking English each other, but the result was grand. Last week, I was checking my email and I discovered I was received an email from UCD, so I rushed over the laptop looking my marks up on UCD website, and unbelievably I had passed my exam, I get eighty three points nearly to get a pass with merit. Obviously the worse part was listening, that needs a lot of time working with and I know I need to improve it really much. Somebody could think it's not really important, because is only B1 level, but it's truly remarkable that I didn't speak anything when I arrived to Ireland, so I've improved a lot. Thank you everybody who helped me to pass this exam.

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